



微博: @DeviantTofu

姜小凡博士现任英特尔物联技术研究院首席架构师及英特尔中国研究院高级主任研究员,本科硕士和博士均毕业于美国加州大学伯克利分校计算机系。主要研究方向包括移动与嵌入式系统、无线传感器网络、室内定位,能源使用监视与控制,以及物联网。姜小凡博士在国际重量级计算机学术会议上发表多篇论文。他研发的楼宇能源监控分析系统(ACme)被多家高校、科研单位及工业界采用,包括劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室、斯坦福大学,台湾大学,以及数家新投公司。姜小凡博士在多个国际顶级学术会议,如 ACM SenSys 和 ACM/IEEE IPSN,担任组织会委员和编委。是美国国家科学基金会 (National Science Foundation,NSF)Fellow。姜小凡博士曾任职于微软亚洲研究院,并曾在美国Google、Xilinx、Arch Rock(现属 Cisco 公司)和 People Power 等公司工作。

Dr. Fred Jiang is the Chief Architect of China Intel IoT Joint Labs and Senior Staff Researcher at Intel Labs China. He received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, advised by Professor David Culler. His primary research interests include mobile and embedded systems, wireless sensor networks, indoor location, energy monitoring and control, and cyber-physical systems. Dr. Jiang has published extensively in top international conferences and workshops. His ACme platform has been widely adopted by universities and industries, including Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Stanford University, National Taiwan University, and several startups. He is actively serving on several technical and organizing committees including ACM SenSys and ACM/IEEE IPSN. He was also a National Science Foundation (NSF) Fellow. Before joining Intel, Dr. Jiang has worked in Google, Xilinx, Arch Rock (now part of Cisco), People Power, and Microsoft Research Asia.