Marco Cecconi

Marco Cecconi
Stack OverFlow核心开发组工程师
Marco Cecconi在Stack OverFlow的核心开发组工作。他在米兰出生,在新加坡上学,然后在巴黎、葡萄牙等地工作多年。自2008年起他成为Stack Exchange的一员,和他的太太与孩子定居在英国肯特郡。在这之前,他还在Sophos和Fullsix两家公司担任过资深架构师的职位。
主题演讲: Stack Overflow架构分析
Stack Overflow, and its Q&A network Stack Exchange, have been growing exponentially for the last four years. They now encompass:
- 114 Q&A sites
- 4.8 million users
- 8.3 million questions
- 14.6 million answers
In this talk, I will describe:
- The physical architecture of Stack Overflow. How many servers are there? What is their purpose and what are their specs?
- The logical architecture of the software. How do we scale up? What are the main building blocks of our software?
- The tooling system. What supports our extreme optimization philosophy?
- The development team. What are our core values? What footprint do we want to leave as developers?
演讲主题: 在8周内本地化Stack Overflow的故事
所属专题:Stack Overflow, and its Q&A network Stack Exchange, is the number one resource on the Internet for programmers of all nations.
Or is it?
A lot of programmers do not speak English well enough to participate actively in the English Stack Overflow site, so we localized it.
In this talk, I will describe how we did so, Stack-Overflow-style:
- Why did we internationalize in the first place? And what does it mean for us?
- Making it easy, making it fast
- MoonSpeak: our Roslyn-based translation engine. Also, let's talk about S&M.
Localization weirdness: because the world is a really strange place.
- The Moonspeakening
- Other lessons learned: where did we screw up?